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Welcome to the Friends of Mundella PTA


The aim of Friends of Mundella is to raise funds which will benefit all children at Mundella School. The group is open to teachers, parents, grandparents and anyone within our community. New members are always welcome!

Through multiple fundraising events, we aim to provide extra resources & new experiences for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities and develop new facilities.

We understand time is precious to all of us these days, but it really is a case of ‘many hands make light work’. There is no enormous commitment required, just any time you can spare to lend a hand at such events as the summer fayre, school discos, fun runs and other activities.

To get in touch:





Share and learn information about school life and Friends events.


Friends of Mundella Challenge 2025


We are excited to introduce ‘Challenge 2025’. From 25th February to 28th March 2025, we are encouraging our pupils to each raise at least £20.25 or as much as they can! You can raise individually, as a family or as a group. Good luck!

The Challenge

Can you help us with our 2025 fundraising? We are challenging you to raise at least £20.25 whichever way you choose by the end of term on 28th March!

The Ideas

Hold a cake sale, readathon, car wash, help at home or in the garden, sponsored silence, walk, skip or bike ride, sell some old toys or surprise us with your own fundraising ideas!

The Prizes

Can YOUR CLASS raise the most?! If you do, will you choose an extra playtime, non-uniform day, water gun fight or extra lunchtime on gym equipment as your thank you from Mr Smith?! (One class prize each for Infants and Juniors).

Individual Prizes for most original fundraising idea and largest amount raised! (One individual prize for each of these for Infants and Juniors).

The Donations

Money can be donated through the Friends website (please click on link above) or by Sponsorship form and cash via the school office.

Thank you so much!!