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If you have any concerns about anything at school, you can always speak to Mr Smith, your child's class teacher or any other members of staff. 
Alternatively, you can speak to one of the school governors. They can be contacted by email. 
or by leaving a letter or note at the school office. 
Please do not hesitate to do so.


Please click on the following to view: 

Please note: Governor Attendance Data will be updated at the end of each academic year.


Paul Hirst - Chair of the Governing Body

Parent Governor
Has voting rights : Yes

I am a parent governor and I live close to school with my wife and son. I have been an active participant in school life since my child joined Mundella in 2016 as I want to see the school and its pupils achieve all that is possible. As part of Friends of Mundella, I helped to raise extra funds to improve children’s experience of school, which has been particularly rewarding for me and something that I would encourage everyone to support.

As a Civil Servant at the Department for Education, I bring experience of the education sector to my role as a governor. I am a qualified project manager and have worked in both the private and public sector; my current responsibilities are around data collection and data management, which is increasingly important to schools, parents and other stakeholders.


Chris Stokes - Vice-Chair of the Governing Body

Parent Governor since 2018
Attendance Governor, KS1 Link Governor and Science Curriculum Link.
Has voting rights : Yes
I am a Parent Governor since autumn 2018 (with two children currently attending) and I am committed to supporting Mundella in its mission to be a school which promotes respect and healthy living where everyone feels valued and able to reach their full potential. I have experience of governance from outside Mundella, where I have been Chair of Governors of an 'Outstanding' primary school in Barnsley since 2015. I am a Professor of Dental Education at the University of Sheffield, where one of my main areas of interest is in improving the learning experience for university students, and I am particularly interested in supporting applications to healthcare subjects and raising aspirations for study at university for students who may not otherwise think it's possible. 


Emma Blakemore - Staff Governor

Appointed May 2019
I was appointed as Staff Governor in 2019. However, I have worked as a teacher at Mundella since September 2015. My role on the Governing Body is to represent the views of the staff during meetings. I am also able to speak on behalf of staff members who wish for their opinions to be included in Governor's Meetings. As part of my role, I can also relay information from the governing body to the staff team. I am committed to the values and ethos that Mundella thrives upon, and I want to ensure we provide the best that we can for all children in the school.

Matt Cummins - Co-opted Governor

Appointed June 2021
Governor Link for: Design & Technology and Art & Design.
Has voting rights: Yes
A graduate of Sheffield Hallam University, I have lived in Sheffield for over 19 years. All three of my children either currently or have previously attended Mundella. I am immensely proud to sit on the board of governors. My background is as a corporate professional working in the UK, EU and USA. This enables me to hopefully offer my experience in business to the school. I look forward to working with the fantastic staff we have here at Mundella and helping in any way I can to support and enhance the pupil experience at the school. Our pupils' well-being and a rounded education will be at the heart of every decision made. 

Fran Lavender - Co-opted Governor

Appointed April 2022
Has voting rights: Yes
I was appointed as a co-opted governor in April 2022. I have two children, one of whom is currently in Year One at Mundella. Having grown up with parents who were teachers and being married to a teacher, I understand how important it is to support our school community in order to give our children the opportunity to thrive. I hope that the skills that I have gained as a civil servant will benefit the children and staff at Mundella.

Karen Harrison - LA Governor

Appointed April 2022
Has voting rights: Yes
My name is Karen Harrison and I have been a teacher in Sheffield for over a decade. I passionately believe that education is the most empowering force in the world. That creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to opportunity for all, throughout a person's life. A belief that fits well within Mundella and what we try to achieve. I have several connections to Mundella and my sincere hope is that I can contribute to Mundella’s continuing purpose in enriching the lives of the children we are lucky to serve.

Rachel Stammers - Parent Governor

Appointed October 2022
Has voting rights: Yes
I have 2 children attending Mundella Primary School and have been elected as a parent governor in 2022. My professional background is in the NHS where I work for Sheffield Children's Hospital. This, and having grown up with parents who were both teachers and school governors, gives me a strong sense of how rewarding and challenging the public sector is to work in. I understand how important it is to support the whole system effectively at the same time as considering individual needs. This is a massive challenge in which the governing board plays an important part. I am really excited to actively support the school to enact its aim of supporting all children to reach their potential. 

Kate Peake - Parent Governor

Appointed October 2022
Has voting rights: Yes
I was elected as a parent governor in October 2022, have two children at the school and have loved being part of the local community since we moved here in 2015.  In my work-life, I apply for and manage grants for a charity that supports families affected by drug and alcohol use, and I have also previously been Chair of the Board of Governors for a charity supporting adults with developmental disabilities, giving me a breadth of experience and skills that I can bring to the board.  I have a passion for ensuring inclusivity for those children who are struggling for a multitude of reasons.  It is a difficult time for the education sector and our children, and I'm committed to ensuring that our children get the best start to life, with healthy minds and the ability to follow their passions. 

Lara Lawrence - Co-opted Governor

Appointed February 2024
Has voting rights: Yes
My family have very close ties with the local community, with my family having generations of both teachers and headteachers. I am dedicated to equality in education and equality in opportunity for all children and young people.  I have almost 10 years experience of working with disadvantaged young people in Higher Education. Currently, I work as a Project Manager at The School of Clinical Dentistry, and have a Masters in Education. I am both looking forward to and humbled having the opportunity to support the children, parents and staff at Mundella as part of this governing body.